Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Crash Claims

Helping clients in Northern California win legal victories for over 25 years.
Northern California Motorcycle Crash Claims

Motorcycle crashes often cause severe, life-altering injuries. If you or someone you love has been injured in a motorcycle accident and you're considering legal action, come to the  Law Office of David A. Asch  in Sacramento.  Contact us  today to schedule your free consultation.

Cases arising from motorcycle crashes are often complicated, because jury members may have a bias or prejudice that motorcycle riding is an inherently dangerous activity. Attorney  David Asch  has dedicated his legal career to protecting the rights of injured people and handling challenging cases. With over 20 years of experience, we can effectively develop and present your case following a motorcycle crash. 

In addition to our extensive experience, our clients appreciate our ability to work with them so that they maintain control of the case. At the Law Office of David A. Asch, we never forget that we work for you. We give you the legal information essential to understanding your rights, and then help you develop your own goals and objectives in light of your legal options. From that point forward, we're completely committed to helping you get your goals met through negotiation, arbitration or at a jury trial.

Many motorcycle accidents result in serious injuries. When we fight for your case, our investigation and management of your claim focuses both on proof of your damages and proof of the other driver's liability. Our experience allows us to effectively prove  demand full compensation for even the most severe and catastrophic injuries, including:
  • Head trauma  ranging from closed head injuries to severe traumatic brain injury
  • Extensive soft tissue damage to the knees, shoulders, or ankles
  • Multiple fractures or other internal trauma
  • Spinal cord damage resulting in paralysis
  • Burn injuries resulting from friction or fire
  • Scarring and disfigurement, and the resulting psychological damages

    Attorney David Asch represents motorcycle passengers in personal injury claims and the surviving families of persons who have been killed in motorcycle crashes in  wrongful death lawsuits

    To learn more about your rights in a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit against the driver at fault,  contact the Law Office of David A. Asch  in Sacramento.
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